This class can be used to handle Http requests consistently across platforms. There are two intended usages:

  • call haxe.Http.requestUrl(url) and receive the result as a String (not available on flash)
  • create a new haxe.Http(url), register your callbacks for onData, onError and onStatus, then call request().


new (url:String)

Creates a new Http instance with url as parameter.

This does not do a request until request() is called.

If url is null, the field url must be set to a value before making the call to request(), or the result is unspecified.

(Php) Https (SSL) connections are allowed only if the OpenSSL extension is enabled.



The url of this request. It is used only by the request() method and can be changed in order to send the same request to different target Urls.


customRequest (post:Bool, api:Output, ?sock:Socket, ?method:String):Void

dynamiconData (data:String):Void

This method is called upon a successful request, with data containing the result String.

The intended usage is to bind it to a custom function:
httpInstance.onData = function(data) { // handle result }

dynamiconError (msg:String):Void

This method is called upon a request error, with msg containing the error description.

The intended usage is to bind it to a custom function:
httpInstance.onError = function(msg) { // handle error }

dynamiconStatus (status:Int):Void

This method is called upon a Http status change, with status being the new status.

The intended usage is to bind it to a custom function:
httpInstance.onStatus = function(status) { // handle status }

setHeader (header:String, value:String):Http

Sets the header identified as header to value value.

If header or value are null, the result is unspecified.

This method provides a fluent interface.

setPostData (data:String):Http

Sets the post data of this Http request to data.

There can only be one post data per request. Subsequent calls overwrite the previously set value.

If data is null, the post data is considered to be absent.

This method provides a fluent interface.

Static variables

@:value(null)staticPROXY:{port:Int, host:String, auth:{user:String, pass:String}} = null