The Timer class allows you to create asynchronous timers on platforms that support events.

The intended usage is to create an instance of the Timer class with a given interval, set its run() method to a custom function to be invoked and eventually call stop() to stop the Timer.

Note that a running Timer may or may not prevent the program to exit automatically when main() returns.

It is also possible to extend this class and override its run() method in the child class.


new (time_ms:Int)

Creates a new timer that will run every time_ms milliseconds.

After creating the Timer instance, it calls repeatedly, with delays of time_ms milliseconds, until this.stop is called.

The first invocation occurs after time_ms milliseconds, not immediately.

The accuracy of this may be platform-dependent.


dynamicrun ():Void

This method is invoked repeatedly on this Timer.

It can be overridden in a subclass, or rebound directly to a custom function:

var timer = new haxe.Timer(1000); // 1000ms delay = function() { ... }

Once bound, it can still be rebound to different functions until this Timer is stopped through a call to this.stop.

stop ():Void

Stops this Timer.

After calling this method, no additional invocations of will occur.

It is not possible to restart this Timer once stopped.

Static methods

staticdelay (f:Void ‑> Void, time_ms:Int):Timer

Invokes f after time_ms milliseconds.

This is a convenience function for creating a new Timer instance with time_ms as argument, binding its run() method to f and then stopping this Timer upon the first invocation.

If f is null, the result is unspecified.